The role of 'Mom' comes in many different forms. Some women give birth, while some may choose to take the route of "Fur Mom" and take in strays, foster fail, rescue...
Whichever category you fall under, if you are one of those ladies who has 'Proud Dog Mom' sticker on the back of your car or gush about your fur baby to anyone who will listen- then this holiday is all about you!

National Dog Mom's Day falls the day before Mother's Day, this year it's Saturday, May 11th. The holiday was created by Dig, the dating app for single dog-lovers... So that you can find someone who will never give you the ultimatum, "It's me or the dog."

The holiday was founded "to thank dog moms, foster dog moms, and future dog moms for all of the love they give to pups."
How many of you have celebrated your dogs birthday? Got them a birthday cake? Made a social media post on their rescue anniversary, birthday or big milestone?

These days dogs are considered family and they get treated as such so it's only appropriate that us dog moms have a day to be celebrated as well.
TREAT YO SELF! (and of course your dog won't let you forget to treat them too).

This holiday really hits home for us here at The Pet Cottage because we couldn't do what we do everyday without the help of some seriously AMAZING dog moms in our foster network! HAPPY DOG MOM DAY FROM TPC!